The second PSIONIC General Assembly was held on 2-3 February 2023 in Ljubljana and gathered representatives of the project’s consortium.
The work package leaders presented the progress of the PSIONIC project since the kick-off meeting in July 2022 in Paris, France. On the first day, the meeting started with an opening statement from the Project Coordinator Margaud Lecuyer (BlueSolutions) and the hosting partner, Robert Dominko (NIC). The meeting proceeded with presentations from the following work packages: System definition and benchmarking (WP1, led by BlueSolutions), Polymer-based electrolyte synthesis and scale-up (WP2, led by SPECIFIC POLYMERS), Formulation of electrodes and interfaces (WP3, led by the National Institute of Chemistry), Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation (WP6, led by CLERENS), Prototype cells and modules (WP4, led by BlueSolutions) and Recycling, safety test and LCA (WP5, led by Accurec). After, the partners had the opportunity to visit the premises of the National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia (NIC), which is a leading Slovenian research institution in the field of chemistry and related disciplines.
On the second day, the Project Coordination and Management (WP7, led by BlueSolutions) was discussed. The GA was concluded by a summary of next actions and milestones to reach in the coming months.
At the centre of the discussion, there were both administrative and technical activities carried out in the first 7 months of the project. A specific focus was given to investigate efficient ways to maximise the interaction among the different specialisations of partners in order to speed-up crucial activities.
We look forward to our next project meeting. The meeting location and date will be announced soon.