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Work Packages



The work defined within the project is divided into several work packages:


WP1: System definition and benchmarking

WP1 mainly focuses on the specification of the all-solid cells’ components for the two generations of prototype cells and the selection of appropriate cycling conditions for testing. Additionally, we will compare our battery components with the selected literature reports and available open access reports from other EU projects showing promising behavior, considering also their scalability. Besides major tests done for automotive applications, preliminary tests will be designed to check the applicability of cells for different non-automotive applications as specified by the AB members.

Contact person: Margaud Lecuyer (Blue Solutions)


WP2: Polymer-based electrolyte synthesis and scale up

The activity will mainly aim at preparing solid-state polymer electrolyte materials at anode and cathode sides that impart the desired characteristics and satisfy specific objectives of PSIONIC. Along with that, WP2 will also focus on cell modelling and detailed characterisation of polymers and different interfaces taking into consideration cell performance degradation parameters. Last but not least, the focus will be imparted to the optimal design of polymers for higher scale-up potential.

Contact person: Samuel Malburet (Specific Polymers)


WP3: Formulation of electrodes and interfaces

WP3 focuses on the design and engineering of the different interfaces which are important for achieving homogenous transport and stability of all components. Active components and lithium metal foil extruded from ingot and non-active components will be modified in order to achieve long-term cycling at high C-rates. 

Contact person: Robert Dominko (Kemijski Institut)

WP4: Prototype cells and modules

Validation of selected cells and upscale of solid electrolytes done in this work package deals with manufacturing of different sizes of prototype cells. Finally, large cells will be used for modules with integrated BMS designed for the selected chemistry.

Contact person: Margaud Lecuyer (Blue Solutions) 

WP5: Recycling, safety test and LCA

End of use assessment will be performed in WP5 and the main focus will be on the possibility of using cells for the second life and to recycling process by designing less energy recycling. Cradle to cradle Life Cycle Assessment will be done for both sets of prototypes.

Contact person: Wang Zangqi (Accurec-Recycling)

WP6: Dissemination and Exploitation 

WP6 aims to establish an appropriate and effective communication of the project to relevant stakeholders, the stationary battery community in general and to pave the way to exploitation of the PSIONIC project results.

Contact person: Adeola Adeoti (CLERENS) 

WP7: Project Management 

WP7 focuses on the effective execution of the PSIONIC contract, the maintenance of the consortium agreement, the protection of IPR, management of Data and Ethics, the administrative and technical coordination.

Contact person: Margaud Lecuyer (Blue Solutions) 

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